Berkshire wedding fairs

An events calendar of Berkshire wedding fairs, bridal shows & exhibitions.

Due to Coronavirus, events in the near future may have been cancelled. We are removing events as we are notified of their cancellation, but please contact event organisers for further information before attending any forthcoming event.

Check with organisers for confirmation as events are liable to change or late cancellation
Events for specific:
DateEventLocalityEvent Type

Send us details of bridal fayres in Berkshire

If you stage Berkshire bridal shows, fayres or exhibitions please Add Your Event

Bridal events near Berkshire:

Extend the magic of your London wedding by embarking on a London Honeymoon Tour with London Country Tours. Their team of experienced chauffeurs and knowledgeable guides will curate a personalised itinerary that showcases the best of London, ensuring a truly unforgettable honeymoon experience.